In the Covid-19 pandemic everybody is speaking about prevention. It was thought that this would be a good constellation to further promote the concept of prevention. Thus, the website Global Prevention. This website asks for your contribution, since prevention is everywhere. Please share your experience to help others.
In medicine it is well known, that many diseases can be avoided by prevention, mainly through a change of behavior or life style. Good examples are obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, caries, or periodontal diseases. It is known as well that changes in behavior are very difficult to implement, because they require the compliance of the patients. Therefore, sometimes it is more efficient to find measures that create improved health, with minimal or without the compliance of the targeted people. Examples here are vaccination, or fluoridation of drinking water or tooth paste for caries prevention, or chlorination of drinking water to prevent dissemination of infectious diseases via the drinking water. Another way to implement prevention are regulatory measures to keep individuals from health threatening products: Good examples are import or sales restrictions of harmful drugs or drugs with severe side effects, the ban of lead from paints, water pipes, or as an additive to gasoline used for cars. Therefore, dear readers, share your experience with others from different fields. We all can learn from each other! Global Prevention is the place to do so.
Safety has the same aim. It is designed to prevent a user of an equipment or product to get harmed by using it or to get others or the environment to be affected by the use of the equipment or product. There are many ways to accomplish this goal. One of them is training; another way to implement preventive behavior may be to enforce this behavior by constructive measures, e.g. bi-manual control of the switches of an equipment that may harm the hands of the user, or automated sensors that activate the safety device in case of danger (e.g. the airbag in cars), or sensors that trigger an alarm signal to warn from imminent danger (e.g. smoke of carbon monoxide alarms). All three examples are from completely different areas, thus Global Prevention.
J. -F. Roulet