April 21, 2021

University of Florida: One Year successful pandemic management!

How the University of Florida managed the Covid-19 Pandemic
30 minutes to read (incl. link)

Timeline how University of Florida Reacted to Covid-19

Source: bigstock-Corona virus-Danger-And-Public, Inside Franchise Business

The University of Florida (UF) as a large and well-organized enterprise reacted to the covid-19 pandemic in a prepared, innovative, targeted, determined, and well thought way. See the timeline of the first year living at UF with Covid-19.


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Now on late April 2021, UF is on its way to a new normality with high vaccination rate against the virus, low transmission rate of the infection,established protocols for testing, tracing and isolation, but face to face teaching, with the option of hybrid classes. Most people will be back at their offices for the beginning of Summer term B.

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